Sonoma Magazine: Megan + Kenmakeup and hair by Felicia photo by Rebecca Gosselin Published at Sonoma Magazine 20161129
Union Hill Inn- Karen & JJmakeup and hair by Felicia photography:
Auberge du Soleil - Cat & JonMakeup and hair by BUN BUN BRIDAL LAB Photography by Adeline & Grace Photography
<Featured> Novelty Bride MagazineA Harbor Wedding Our work is featured on high fashion bridal magazine today! see:
Wente winery wedding- Phoebe & Rickmakeup and hair by BUN BUN BRIDAL LAB photographer: Evan Xu Photography
「太陽的後裔」發布會上的妝容解析태양의후예, Descendants of the Sun「太陽的後裔」發布會上宋慧喬金智媛的妝容解析 #宋慧喬 송혜교 發布會當天宋慧喬選擇了一件印有圖案的連衣裙搭配金駝色高跟鞋,華麗的裙裝造型一點都不張揚,反而彰顯出高雅時尚的女神範。 半紮式發型與微微中分的劉海,也將她精致的五官與小臉完成展現出來,既顯清純活潑又充滿女人味...
Michelle H's weddingThanks for Michelle's best helper, her mom for organizing everything! Makeup, hair, and accessory: Felicia Chang Photography: Kasey Grant